Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Please remember...

I saw this background and had to use it. My husband and his shop fight very hard for the freedoms that we have. September 11th changed our world on many levels. We not only continue to fight for our freedoms, but stand up for those who do not have those freedoms. We are a strong country that I am proud to be a citizen of. I erge you to register to vote and make your voice known.

Please remember September 11th, all of the men and woman who fight for your rights around the world, and honor them with your daily actions. Please remember to treat others kindly, respect one anther's choices, and dedicate yourself to being the best that you can be. Please remember to treat your children kindly, tell them daily how much you care for them, and be a most excellent example to them. Please remember the God that created you, his teachings, and his mercy. Please remember that we love you all, that you are a person of worth, and we are blessed to know each one of you.


Karen said...

Thanks for the remembrance... It still makes me have the same feelings I had on the day it happened. I think your life sounds so busy and fun, it's a great time of your life. Pretty soon they'll all be grown up with grown up problems and it isn't as fun as when they are somewhat innocent! Have a WONDERFUL life!!!